Monday, 15 November 2010

Q5. Historical Representations of Families

Married couples with kids- house wife mum and working dad- this reinforced a patriarchal society that existed at the time.

2 member families- no kids, working man and housewife woman. A range of families e.g. homosexual families. Th ebegining of the feminist movement

Fewer people got married and there were many divorces. This is because women had more job oppotunities and more rights, therfore didn't have to rely on a husband to survive- a continuation of the feminst movement.

Very few traditional nuclear families- many extended families e.g. step family members, grandparents ect.

Complex and dysfuctional families

Overall changes

From the 1950s to present, families have gone from a traditional nuclear family, to single families to a more complex structured family.

This reflects changes of the patriarchal society due to feminism. Women broke out of their roles of houswives and began to work, changing the family structure in society.

However many modern texts still have the traditional nuclear family, but they are represented as dysfunctional and non-working. this may be because it aims to target a wider audience- people can relate to inditicual characters or the family as a whole.

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