Saturday, 23 October 2010

Chewing gum for the brain: Why do people talk such rubbish about Media Studies?

Lecturer: Professor David Buckingham:


Gove's plans send out an anti-education message
Students were studying The Simpsons as basic means of understanding the subject

Tories to tackle Media Studies Menace
The ideas that media studies is a "soft" subject (pratical and vocational subject) were making schools in league tables appear better than they are.

Wothless qualifications give false hope to state students
The idea that high achieving state school students do "soft" subjects and give them false hope.

Arguments against Media Studies:

"Dons despair as students spurn science inferior of Media Studies"
Argues tha media studies isnt a real subject

"Studens Misled over jobs in the media"
Argues it isn't easy to get jobs

Is it academic? Is it a soft option? Does it provide jobs?

History of Media studies:

Matthew Arnold, Frank and Queenie Leavis used Media studies for new generations to criticise popular culture, to better society- help them get better job, improve civilisation.

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